What is micro-restoration?

According to science, our brains actually need time during the day to be distracted!  Micro-restoration occurs when we take a few moments to look away from our computers, from our papers, to refresh our eyes, to refresh our minds.

What is a good way to do this in the workplace?


Simple as that. Wonderful living green, growing plants.

Here’s a great article about the effects of micro-restoration.

So take a look at a few of my little foliage which helps me from getting too mentally fatigued at the desk and if you don’t have any… you may want to invest!  What an easy way to stay productive.

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The Balancing Act

Welcome to my company’s site!

River Town Research is proud to become part of the blogging universe.  What an interesting and dynamic place to be… just lingering words out into cyberspace, engaging new conversations, sharing perspectives among pretty much anyone open and willing to be part of it.

It always amazes me how much has changed, how back before this, we couldn’t share information and opinions so quickly.  We used to have to wait; we used to have to keep some of our thoughts just to ourselves. We could covet them and never let them go or if we wanted, share them. And we had time to think about this because if we wanted to share our thoughts we might have had to wait until we sat down for dinner or wait until we had time after work, the days when there was more sitting on the porches with neighbors talking, just talking out loud.

Yet in those old, old days, the words just flowed around in the air made up of little molecules of nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide and were never documented and recorded for life.  Now our thoughts float around in digital space made up of a multitude of little ones and zeros, coding every single word, every thought, every discussion. And the words can be forwarded, shared, retweeted again all within seconds after being typed.

So now that the world has moved into easy sharing mode, I wonder, has it given us have a closer connection with humanity, knowing that there are others with similar thoughts, opinions, experiences out there?  Now that our population has grown and everything has gotten faster, people are moving from task to task, this big digital space gives us a way to connect, to learn about each other.

But now it’s a catch twenty-two, in our high tech, fast lifestyle, do we spend less time at dinner, less time out on the porches with the neighbors, less time chatting and interacting in real life, and make up for it by connecting through the computer?

Maybe it’s all balancing act. Technology is not going to rewind itself, or reverse directions. It is unlikely the speed of business or the hurried lifestyles are going to slow down. Sharing online is not going away.

There is something wonderful about the ability to connect with people all over the world, at any time, day or night and the fact that people can read discussions  even after they occurred… but there is something amazing about connecting in person, face to face, the body language, seeing the smile, the frown, the movements… Hopefully, we ask ourselves every once in awhile, are we balancing they way we connect with people?